Wenda Gu

Born in Shanghai in 1955, Wenda Gu is an award winning artist, known for his large scale ink paintings, installations and performances. He moved to the U.S. in 1987. Before joining a panel at the Getty to discuss “the New China” and influences of the Cultural Revolution, he answered a few questions in the Green Room.

Q. Did you get into trouble as a child?
A. My older brother and sister did great in school. I always tried to catch up and my parents always said, “You’re not good enough.”

Q. What do you wake up to in the morning?
A. Work.

Q. What do you find beautiful?
A. Two things: If I created a satisfying work, and women.

Q. What profession would you have in your next life?
A. Politician.

Q. Who would write your biography?
A. I’m still too young.

Q. What’s the last thing that made you laugh really hard?
A. I don’t know. I guess my life is too serious. I don’t watch TV, I don’t watch movies, I don’t go to museum galleries.

Q. What would your final [read] be?
A. The Bible. I’m going to believe in God or the Buddha. The final step is to be religious.

Q. What music did you listen to today?
A. Nothing.

Q. What is your favorite word?
A. Work.

Q. What is your guilty pleasure?
A. Having a woman.

To read more about the panel in which Wenda participated, please click here.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.