An Ambivalent Arizonan

Good Government Expert Karen Thoreson Takes Questions in the Green Room

Karen Thoreson is president and chief operating officer of the Alliance for Innovation, a national nonprofit organization that promotes innovation and best practices for local governments. Before participating on a panel about why Californians don’t talk about politics, she answered questions in our Green Room.

Q. What do you eat for breakfast?
A. I have spicy V8.

Q. What is your primary source of news?

Q. How long can you go without checking your email?
A. Pretty long, especially on the weekends.

Q. What would we find you doing at 8 pm on an average weeknight?
A. Reading my email.

Q. What’s the best decision you ever made?
A. To marry the guy I married.

Q. What surprises you about your life right now?
A. I can’t believe I live in the crazy state of Arizona.

Q. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
A. It was a Mary Poppins song, “Go to Sleep.”

Q. What is your favorite city on Earth?
A. Barcelona.

Q. What time do you start working on an average day?
A. From home, at about 6, at the office about 8:30.

Q. If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
A. Amelia Earhart.

Q. Do you have a favorite word?
A. No, but I have a favorite phrase. I love to construct my own reality.

To read more about the panel in which Thoreson participated, click here.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.