A Journalist of the Old School

In the Green Room with Media Mogul Steven Brill

Journalist Steven Brill, who founded CourtTV and American Lawyer magazine, is the author of Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America’s Schools. Before talking about teacher’s unions and the future of public education, he sat down in the green room to talk about the First Amendment, the many newspapers he reads, and his lack of regret about his choice of career.

Q. What would you do if you had one more hour in your day?

A. Sleep an extra hour because I only sleep six hours as it is.

Q. If you were a salad dressing, what kind would you be?

A. Blue cheese.

Q. What teacher or professor, if any, changed your life?

A. A whole bunch-one law school professor, one English teacher in high school, one math teacher in elementary school.

Q. If you could go back to college now, what would you major in?

A. Something more serious than what I majored in before, which was political science.

Q. What was the last live performance you watched?

A. The fifth game of the World Series.

Q. What’s your favorite cereal?

A. Cheerios.

Q. What Constitutional amendment do you think is most important?

A. The First.

Q. What takes up the most room in your closet?

A. My suits.

Q. What profession would you most like to practice in your next life?

A. The one I practice now: journalism.

Q. What do you read first in the morning?

A. The New York Times, Politico, The Financial Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal.

*Photo by Sarah Rivera.