Seventeen Hours to Disneyland

In the Green Room with Historian Kirse Granat May

Historian Kirse Granat May is the author of Golden State, Golden Youth: The California Image in Popular Culture. Before participating in a panel on images of Los Angeles, she confessed to a case of nerves and professed her love for Disneyland.

Q. What did you eat for breakfast today?

A. I was too nervous. I didn’t eat breakfast.

Q. Who’s your favorite Disney cartoon character?

A. Mickey.

Q. Do you surf?

A. No.

Q. What makes you nostalgic?

A. The A-Team.

Q. What’s your favorite freeway?

A. I-5. I grew up in Medford, Oregon. 17 hours later I’d be in Disneyland.

Q. What is the most underappreciated thing about Los Angeles?

A. It has lots of airports.

Q. When was the L.A. golden age?

A. I think the ’50s.

Q. What’s your most embarrassing cultural enthusiasm?

A. Vampires.

Q. What’s your ugliest piece of furniture?

A. My couch.

Q. What would you say to a New Yorker saying something derisive about Los Angeles?

A. At least it doesn’t smell like urine.

Q. What advice do you have regarding sunscreen?

A. Early and often.

*Photo by Sarah Rivera.