
They smashed her head against the wall.

They took the head I held in my hand.

Smaller than a sandwich.

Perfect pink beast.

They took that same head.

They smashed my baby’s head against the wall

for some bullshit imperial claim I’d made.

They stabbed your mother, my love.

But I didn’t make her.

I made you.

They took your head.

They slammed your head against the wall.

I held your head.

It smelled like yogurt in springtime.

Amy Lawless is the author of Noctis Licentia (Black Maze Books 2008), a four poem pamphlet from Greying Ghost Press, and the forthcoming chapbook Elephants in Mourning ([sic] Detroit). This poem is from a manuscript called Empire. She was awarded a 2011 fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. She is from Boston but lives in Brooklyn.

*Photo courtesy of | spoon |.