Where I Go: The Poet Sits in the Dentist’s Chair

This Is What Happens When ‘Two Mutually Oral Professions’ Meet

I have many flaws. I delight in judging my neighbors. I step over the shower drain jammed with a whirlpool of my hair. I read the comments section. I leave lights on. My wife once caught me picking my toenails within full view of my son. These shortcomings, however, seem mild when placed alongside the one I offer you today: I’ve been an annoyance to all seven of my dentists. My method of choice: poorly timed lectures on poems, novels, and stories about teeth.

Did you know there’s a rich …

The Tooth Hurts

Getting Americans Dental Coverage Is Cheaper Than the Alternative

Pam Congdon is the kind of person who has had one cavity her whole life, and most of the time her job, as executive director of the California Association of …