You Won’t Sound Like Santana-At First

Psychologist Gary Marcus On Learning When Old (or Older)

What inspired an accomplished scientist with no known musical aptitude to learn to play guitar just before turning 40? At an event co-presented by Kaiser Permanente in front of a large crowd at MOCA Grand Avenue, and with some musical assistance from two local guitarists, New York University psychologist Gary Marcus, author of Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning, explained how he learned to play the instrument, what it taught him about the process of learning, and how our bodies and brains experience music.

It all started …

Let There Be Shredding

What Have We Learned From Video Games Like Guitar Hero?


Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and numerous other immersive games have connected people to music in a new way. Some have even found themselves tapping into musical reserves they didn’t know …