Wool Washing


I like to wash wool blankets
in a rubber tub, stomping
as if I live on a vineyard,
the detritus of a year
squelching and puffing
between my feet. I remember
my great aunt who crocheted
them, the darkly churning
water of the creek behind
her house, here viscous, here
hissing, streaked with tannins,
slipping forward, doubling
back on itself. I go to her creek
mentally sometimes, before
morning when I can’t sleep.
I wake up too free. Phantom
pain in phantom limbs. Awake
with nothing to tend to, I …

To Paint Persimmons


a crow pits his beak against the fruit, the push
   and pull of intimacy an ease, a vulnerability.
   How lovely to pit our mouths
    against each other. …

The House of Two Weathers, or The Years after the Layoff


The mailman brought a Florida postcard
or a thin white envelope the weight of an anvil.

The potted African violet in the kitchen window
raised its richest purple or drooped.

The mother …

Doubling Your Image

What’s so good about the night
that sleeps inside the body
of someone who learns to love
with their fingers
when everyone else sleeps.
(Quiet! The sea is dreaming!)

You …

Sky Song


Sky’s lit today. it’s
    all moody and shit
heavy with a pregnant
  tint. we’re curved under the clouds
       in the verge of moisture

    nervous behind its refusal



this is a pileated wooden ball
dropped in a wooden bowl
this is a woodchip guitarpick
lost down the sound hole


plumber has him
his own ideas
about beauty
eyes worked …