The (Actual) Communist Agents Who Lurked Among Us

American Fears About Soviet Spycraft Never Seemed to Match Reality

Russian spies held a morbid fascination in the minds of Americans dating back to the Red Scare in 1919, following the Bolshevik Revolution and the creation of the Communist International, of which the Communist Party of the USA became a constituent member, subject to extra-territorial discipline imposed from Moscow.

Global domination was indeed Moscow’s declared aim. The issue, however, was whether this goal was at all practicable.

The Red Scare blended neatly with popular hostility to mass immigration in America, particularly against a surge of Jews fleeing the anti-Semitic heartlands of …

The Wounds Left By Surveillance

The Stasi Has Been Gone Over Two Decades. Germans Still Haven't Come To Terms With It.

There were a few things the Stasi never found out about me. One was the mini-laboratory.

I was a Lutheran pastor and underground environmental activist in the German Democratic Republic, and …