Should We Embrace Our Divisions to Build a Better America?

Rather Than Chase National Unity, Our Best Hope for Protecting Our Rights and Building a Better Future Lies at the State Level

Do you trust your state more than the U.S. government? Do you dream of California independence? Does breaking the U.S. into regional republics intrigue you?

Then you might be a true patriot in the greatest American tradition.

Or do you cling to the hope of national unity? Do you believe that we must compromise to preserve our sprawling union of 330 million?

Then you might be part of the problem.

The frightening 2020 election is already disrupting how we think about America and California’s place in it—and thank goodness for that. Perhaps …

Forget North and South Korea. California and Texas Really Need a Peace Summit.

To Keep the American Republic Together, Its Two Biggest States Must Learn How to Agree to Disagree

To: Governor Jerry Brown of California and Governor Greg Abbott of Texas

From: Joe Mathews

Re: Summit

If North and South Korea can have a peace summit, why can’t California and Texas do …