New Day

If we perceive barely a sliver of our reality,
the knowable only a small part of what’s out there,

that fat bee bumping up against the window,
the faint sound of a neighbor’s car radio.

And if neither here nor there is where we are
then perhaps the Sunrise Nursing Home is the dawn,

is the new day, perhaps leaving your mother with a stranger
not unlike her—divorced with three kids, threatened

with dismissal if she refuses to work a double shift—
perhaps this is the white flag the world has been waiting for,

the moment before the universe says, Just kidding
and you can turn around and drive your mother back

to a house that’s wheelchair accessible, to the English teacher
(strong, reliable…) you hoped was in your future

or perhaps a sister who likes being in charge, loves
to be right so that every decision you don’t want to make,

so that whatever reality is or isn’t,
at least you’re not in there by yourself.

Valencia Robin is a poet and painter who lives and teaches in Johnson City, Tennessee. A recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship, her debut poetry collection, Ridiculous Light, won Persea Books’ first book prize, was a finalist for the Kate Tufts Discovery Award and was named one of Library Journal’s best poetry books of 2019.

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