Los Angeles | In-Person

Can the Internet Be Rewired to Build a Smaller, More Cooperative World?

Ethan Zuckerman

Museum of Contemporary Art
250 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Parking $9 at the Walt Disney Concert Hall garage. Enter from Second St., just west of Grand Ave.
The Fourth Annual Zócalo Book Prize Lecture, sponsored by the California Community Foundation

Once upon a time, the Internet was supposed to build a more interconnected world, one where a plumber in Burbank could find common cause—and maybe even friendship—with an ornithologist in Kuala Lumpur. This Internet, we imagined, would create a more inclusive, compassionate, and truly global society. But it hasn’t worked out that way. Some would argue that the Internet has made our world narrower than ever before. Online, we seek out people who share our interests and opinions. We search for the information we already want, and we find new things through people we already know. Is the Internet doomed to be little more than an echo chamber? Or, can we come together to rewire and change the way we use the Internet so that it brings us closer to living in the kind of world we once envisioned? Director of the MIT Center for Civic Media Ethan Zuckerman, winner of the fourth annual Zócalo Book Prize for Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection, visits Zócalo to call for an Internet that connects humans more broadly to one another and creates greater understanding across cultures.

Books will be available through Skylight Books.

Museum of Contemporary Art
250 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Parking $9 at the Walt Disney Concert Hall garage. Enter from Second St., just west of Grand Ave.

The Takeaway

You, Too, Can Escape From Your Online Echo Chamber

Ethan Zuckerman, Winner of the Fourth Annual Zócalo Book Prize, On How We Can Use the Internet to Connect People Across Cultures and Work Together to Solve Tough Global Problems

The Fourth Annual Zócalo Public Square Book Prize was made possible by the generous support of the California Community Foundation. We know globalization is happening. And we know we interact …