The Governor Should Move to the Delta

Building a Mansion in California’s Water Hub Would Kill Two Birds With One Stone

When you’re faced with two different thorny problems, sometimes the best way to make progress is by combining them. I’m talking to you, Jerry Brown.

Your first problem involves water. Residents of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta—California’s most vital estuary and source of water—fiercely oppose Brown’s plan to build tunnels that will divert water from north of the Delta to provide more reliable supplies to San Joaquin Valley farmers and Southern California. Their opposition is based on fear. In the short term, they fear construction of the tunnels will disrupt their lives. …

Our United State of Water

For Better and For Worse, Water Keeps California Together

Yes, we’re in a drought, but there’s still good reason to break out the sand bags: to protect ourselves against a flood of conventional media wisdom about California water.

As legislators …

How California Can Teach Itself About Water

The Wet, Wasteful North and the Dry, Conserving South Must Share Perspectives, and Plans

In California, we owe the existence of our communities to the willingness of previous generations to rearrange our natural assets. Billions of dollars have been spent rerouting rivers to channel …