Has Modern Medicine Made Dying Harder Than Ever?

Hospitals Have Gotten Better at Keeping Us Alive, But That Also Means Thornier Questions at the End of Life

In his 2010 New Yorker essay “Letting Go,” surgeon Atul Gawande stops by the intensive care unit at his hospital and describes the sad state of its patients at the very end of their lives. While two out of 10 patients there are likely to make it out of the hospital, the others, he says, are more like an 80-year-old woman with irreversible congestive heart failure, “who was in the ICU for the second time in three weeks, drugged to oblivion and tubed in most natural orifices and a few …

I Fear the Coldness of Doctors

If We Don't Encourage Them to Have Empathy, Both They and Their Patients Will Suffer

Earlier this year, a doctor I’d never met told me about the death of one of his patients:

I remember so well the morning our medical examiner came into my …

Obamacare Is Turning Us Into a Better Hospital

Thousands of Newly Insured Patients Are Making Our Medical Center More Efficient and Creative

The holidays are a convenient time to take stock of our blessings and opportunities, and to consider the challenges we have overcome in the previous year. As I reflect back, …

HIV-Positive and in the Waiting Room

Where You Don’t Want Anybody to Know Your Name

The first time I came here was October 2011, after a fairly wild first month at the University of Leeds in England. I’d been laid up in bed for a …

When Your Doctor Is Drunk

Why It’s So Hard for Doctors to Report Colleagues for Substance Abuse—and for Physicians Who Are Addicts to Get Help

Larry was a doctor trainee at a hospital where I taught in Burbank. I recommended that he not pass, due to very poor preparation and work habits. But he did, …

Mentally Ill, Yet Packing Heat

Currently, Most People Who Are Severely Disturbed Have As Much Access To Guns As the Rest Of Us. Doctors Ought To Help Change That.

I’m a family doctor. I’ve spent decades taking care of all sorts of people, including many with mental illness. If at any time I encounter a person who is making …