Why Marius the Giraffe Was Fed to the Lions

From Food to Sex, Europe’s Zoo Culture Is Nothing Like America’s

A few years ago, I attended a biannual convention of zoo nutritionists in Oklahoma for the book I was writing. Hanging out one night at the hotel bar with a group from around the United States, we got to talking about a practice in some European zoos that sounded shocking. It was called carcass-feeding, and like most Americans, I had never heard of it. This was long before the story of Marius, the giraffe fed to lions last Sunday at the Copenhagen Zoo, put carcass-feeding in the national headlines.

“Let me …

Learn To Get Along With Your Friendly Mountain Lion Neighbor

Los Angeles Is a Wildlife Habitat With Homes In It. Enjoy the Animals, But Don’t Invite Them to Dinner.

On a breezy evening in downtown’s Grand Park, near patches of green flanked by high rises and concrete, Los Angeles didn’t feel all that wild. But, as Zócalo associate editor …