
in memory of Kevin Calegari, who died of

AIDS on February 12, 1995 in San Francisco

Romanum Pontificem in rebus fidei
et morum definiendis errare non posse

Our senior year, how did you pick out me
to be your friend? I’m straight. Your Catholic faith
escapes me, and I thought your plan to be
a priest was folly. And I’d all but tell you,

then stop, because there’d been that liberal pope
who’d lived for thirty days in Rome and died
too soon–just long enough to start the joke
that his successor’s name would …

When Girls First Ran

My Schoolmate Little Mary and the World She Changed

The battle of the sexes came to Portola Junior High School in Orange, California one day in the spring of 1973. When the bell rang for nutrition break in the …