Can Art Heal Our Minds—and Our Communities?

I Founded Modesto’s Peer Recovery Art Project to Keep Mental Health Consumers From Being Isolated. In the Process, I’m Helping Revitalize My City.

I don’t care for labels, but I’m a Californian who went around the country working carnivals before schizophrenia dug its hooks into me. After 10 years, some of them wandering the streets of Modesto, I began my recovery as a volunteer at a community alcohol treatment drop-in center. There, I learned how important it was to prevent people in treatment from being isolated. This has become the driving force of my career—and has also improved my own health.

Today, I’m back on the streets of Modesto, as CEO of the nonprofit …

Mentally Ill, Yet Packing Heat

Currently, Most People Who Are Severely Disturbed Have As Much Access To Guns As the Rest Of Us. Doctors Ought To Help Change That.

I’m a family doctor. I’ve spent decades taking care of all sorts of people, including many with mental illness. If at any time I encounter a person who is making …