Burned by Betrayal and 87 Rounds of Tear Gas in Hong Kong

When Civil Disobedience Turned Violent, a City's Long-Held Trust in Its Police Was Broken

On Sunday, September 28, 2014, we stood among the estimated 80,000 Hong Kong protestors in the Admiralty neighborhood that hosts the government headquarters, when tear gas began raining down on us. The effects were immediate: a searing and near-paralyzing burn of our skin, eyes, nasal passages, and lungs that intensified with each attack, which totaled 87 rounds and an unknown number of canisters in nine different locations that night. Discomfort lasted for days afterward.

We are American expatriates who have lived in Hong Kong for years studying policy challenges facing transitional …

How Occupy Lost Its Way In L.A.

I Was One of the Hopefuls At City Hall Park-But the Movement Degenerated Into a Moment

A year ago today, a thousand protesters made their way to the financial district of Manhattan and launched a movement that came to be known as Occupy Wall Street. Similar …

Wrong Occupation

What Happens When Dock Workers Don’t RSVP

When Occupy Wall Street protesters attempted to shut down West Coast ports earlier this month, they didn’t do much–except demonstrate their ignorance of how ports, and their community of workers, …