Oh, What a Crummy Web We Might Weave

If We Don’t Get Serious About Protecting Our Digital Spaces, We’ll Get the Internet We Deserve

In 1997, Rebecca MacKinnon–who was at CNN’s Beijing bureau at the time–was having dinner with Chinese friends when she told them about a book she was reading. The book was about East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when German citizens suddenly got access to the files of the East German secret police, the Stasi. Germans were shocked to discover who had been informers. As MacKinnon told the story, one of her Chinese friends put his chopsticks down and said, “One of these days, something like that’s going …

Cyberspace Isn’t a Place

So Ideas Of a Sheriff Are Off-Base

In the early days of the mass Internet, John Perry Barlow–the Grateful Dead lyricist turned digital activist–penned an influential “Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace,” proclaiming the birth of a …

[BLANK] the Police?

A Discussion of How, If At All, the Internet Should Be Patrolled


Many of us realize how much we take the Internet’s current qualities for granted only when some party proposes to change them. Perhaps you felt you were just getting a …