Robin Orr

Robin Orr is President of The Robin Orr Group, a healthcare consulting firm. She was one of the pioneers of The Planetree Organization and sits on the board of the Center for Health Design. Before taking the stage to chat about whether better design makes for better health, Orr answered our In The Green Room Q&A.

Q. Where would we find you at 10 a.m. on a typical Saturday?

A. Taking my dog for a walk.

Q. What music have you listened to today?

A. I listened to some classical music in the hotel, which was really a delightful thing. Instead of me walking into this room that was just blank, it had beautiful music playing.

Q. What do you consider to be the greatest simple pleasure?

A. A hug.

Q. What is your fondest childhood memory?

A. Playing in the creek behind our summer house in the mountains.

Q. What do you wish you had the nerve to do?

A. I don’t let much stop me.

Q. Who is your favorite fictional character?

A. I spend most of my time studying and reading about people who have lived and done things in the world.

Q. What is your favorite cocktail?

A. Vodka and tonic, but you have to have a really good lime. You can’t have a lime that’s been sitting at the bar for 20 years.

Q. When do you feel most creative?

A. When I’m inspired by other people who are creative.

Q. If you could take only one more journey, where would you go?

A. I would go to the Turks and Caicos  Islands and snorkel with all those beautiful fish and turtles.

Q. What is your most prized material possession?

A. I recently purged my life of most of my material possessions, actually. Downsized from a huge house in Santa Barbara to a small house, so I gave away a lot. If I have something leftover, it’s a vase from Turkey that I got last summer.

Q. Who is the one person living or dead you would most like to meet for dinner?

A. Mother Teresa.

To read more about Orr’s panel on healthy design, click here.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.