New at Zócalo

  • Essay

    Authors Aren’t Perfect. Why Should Readers Have to Be?

    A Writer Wrestles With Separating the Art from the Artist

    by Emily R. Zarevich |

    In April 2024, British author J.K. Rowling appeared in the news for the same reason she’s been wont to gain attention lately—not for writing acclaimed new books, but for writing …

  • Connecting California

    California Has Got This, America

    Kamala Harris Survived San Francisco and the Golden State. She’s Ready for Three Months Against Trump

    by Joe Mathews |

    Don’t worry, America.

    We got this.

    By “we,” I mean California.

    By “this,” I mean this presidential election.

    And by “got,” I mean that we are sending you the best possible candidate to weather …

  • Essay

    When the U.S.A. Was Neutral

    For 150 Years, America Didn’t Take Sides—But the Nation Still Fought Plenty of Wars

    by Pascal Lottaz |

    Can we, and should we, ever really be neutral? In a new series, Zócalo explores the idea of neutrality—in politics, sports, gender, journalism, international …

  • Poetry

    by Tarfia Faizullah

    -after francine j. harris and with Eileen


    The symphony was a straitjacket
    I must’ve needed. Need being relative—
    the organ pipes (silver) looked like missiles,
    that bright and tipped. The blue …

  • Essay

    How Television Made Willie Mays a Star

    His Astonishing Play Coincided With the Early Years of the Medium—And Made This White, Rural Georgia Boy a Lifelong Fan

    by James C. Cobb |

    Except for a fortunate few who got to see Willie Mays play in person, most Americans of my generation fell under his almost mesmerizing spell while watching him on TV.

    Mays’ …

  • The Takeaway

    Fighting Hate Is the Ultimate Group Project

    The Answer to “How Does the Inland Empire Strike Back Against Hate?” Lies in Us All

    by Sarah Rothbard |

    Racial hate and discrimination are serious problems in California’s Inland Empire—and solving them begins at the most fundamental levels. This was the conclusion of a panel of people who study …