Adam Carolla on the Big Three Bailout

Adam Carolla isn’t one to judge a car by its looks – at least not the exterior. The comedian and Zócalo alum told Popular Mechanics that the Big Three automakers – currently angling for a $15 billion bailout – simply need to make better cars, including revamping their “insulting” interiors. “I gotta say, every time I see one of those Pontiacs, I just want to throw up in my mouth,” Carolla, also a former auto mechanic, said. “Even Vettes, up until about 10 minutes ago, were sort of laughable from an interior standpoint.”

His words don’t get gentler from there, because, as Carolla says, the Big Three need “tough love” if they’re going to compete with the Germans and the Japanese (Carolla and one of their cars are near homonyms).

Carolla, at least, seems more optimistic than another Zócalo alum more accustomed to commenting on bailouts. Paul Krugman told reporters Sunday that he didn’t think the automakers would survive at all.


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