Freelance Destiny

Cloudbase to air

she jets, textile heiress
with guns–in memoire. Where
cloud burst, to air
she streamed in guerre
a Mysteron. Exiled, rare is
Cloudbase. To err,
she jets and texts. Isle heiress

at Fashion Week,
she does not cotton to murder.
Destiny still cuts a good figure, chic
at Fashion Week
in hand to hand combat with Uzbek
femme. (Shh. She did more than hurt her
at Fashion Week.)
She does not cotton to murder.

She got a Michael Angel dress
with her freelance pay
and Human Rights Watch got the press.
She got a Michael Angel dress
that is crumpled myth, purple, golden. Mess
with International Intelligence and pray.
She got her Angel dress
with her freelance pay.

Amy Holman remarks on discoveries, society, and the news through her poetry and literary essays. Her books include Wrens Fly Through This Opened Window, and Wait For Me, I’m Gone. She blogs at and the group-edited

* Photo courtesy of Luciano Consolini.