The bullet that found Mrs. Cosma

while she was hanging laundry on the balcony

December 1989

With a loud bang,
I’m off

and zoom through the air,
death’s faithful bee.

Was I meant
for someone else?

Or was the sniper startled
by her domestic gestures
at the top floor?

It doesn’t matter now.

A soft splash
into her flesh

and I’m in.


The body breathes
and folds

and the shirts billow
and flap

their white,
surrendered sleeves.

Claudia Serea is the author of a book of prose poems, Angels & Beasts, which was published in 2012 by Phoenicia Publishing in Montreal. She is also the author of a volume of translations from the Romanian, Beautybeast, also published in 2012 by Northshore Press in Alaska. She lives and works in New Jersey.
*Photo courtesy of Viorel Oprea.
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