Alexis Huicochea is the Arizona Daily Star’s education reporter. Before moderating a panel on what other countries can teach us about teaching STEM, she sat down in the Zócalo green room to talk about her best tennis shot, having no plans on a Sunday morning, and the magic of fireworks.
What’s your hidden talent?
Let’s see, what can I do? I am half-decent at tennis. Nothing very spectacular. [Do you have a good serve?] I have a pretty decent backhand.
Do you have a favorite kind of sandwich?
I am actually very basic and prefer ham and cheese and mustard and pickles.
On what device do you do your reading, if any?
Mostly on my iPad.
Where do you take out-of-town guests in Tucson?
My favorite restaurant, Mi Nidito. It’s Mexican.
Did you have any childhood nicknames?
My mom always called me “Skinny Girl.”
What does your ideal Sunday morning look like?
Sleeping in, although I don’t get to do that ever these days, with a child. Reading the paper at breakfast. Really having no plans for the morning.
If you didn’t cover education, what would your beat be?
I don’t think there is anything else I would want to cover.
What’s your favorite holiday?
Fourth of July. I love fireworks. There’s something very magical about them.
How do you procrastinate?
Probably on Facebook.
What’s hanging on your refrigerator?
Family photos.