California Has Got This, America

Kamala Harris Survived San Francisco and the Golden State. She’s Ready for Three Months Against Trump

Don’t worry, America.

We got this.

By “we,” I mean California.

By “this,” I mean this presidential election.

And by “got,” I mean that we are sending you the best possible candidate to weather whatever the next three-plus months hold.

Now let’s be honest about Kamala Harris. We’re not giving you our most charismatic public speaker. Harris’ sentences are sometimes as awkward as Joe Biden’s. She has a bad habit of fusing her talking points into word salads.

We’re not giving you our most disciplined politician. She’ll crack a joke when she shouldn’t or make a …

California Democrats Need Real Opposition | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Why Is Gavin Newsom Invoking a Failed World War Two-Era Governor?

Culbert Olson Talked A Good Game About Democracy, But He Failed to Protect Californians’ Civil Liberties

If you’re ever inside the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale and hear laughter ringing through the hallways, it’s probably me visiting the tomb of Culbert …

Retired California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye

You Make Your Joy

Tani Cantil-Sakauye was the 28th Chief Justice of the State of California. The first Asian Filipina American and the second woman to serve as the state’s chief justice, she is …

XPRIZE Foundation CEO Anousheh Ansari

In Space, I Felt a Sense of Freedom

Anousheh Ansari is the CEO of XPRIZE, a nonprofit that organizes multi-million-dollar competitions to support scientific innovation that benefits humanity. She is the first female private space explorer and first …

Founding Director of Carnegie California Ian Klaus

Indoor-Outdoor Living Is California’s Most Simple and Wonderful Idea

Ian Klaus is the founding director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace California Center and a scholar on the nexus of urbanization, geopolitics, and global challenges. Before sitting on …

California Democrats Need Real Opposition

A Book By a Leading Republican Demonstrates the State’s Lack of a Counter-Narrative

In our era of one-party rule by complacent Democrats, California might benefit from a coherent and compelling political opposition.

Instead, we keep getting John Cox.

You probably don’t recognize Cox’s name. This …