We’ll Find Some New Way to Power Our Hot Dog Toasters

But the Quest For Energy Is a Long Hard Slog-Through Smog

“What a great location for this evening’s discussion!” exclaimed Daniel Yergin as he opened his talk at the Petersen Automotive Museum. The setting was a room full of cars from the past century, and one of the main questions Yergin intended to address was “what kind of car we’ll all be driving in 20 or 15 years.”

Southern California was built on the automobile, Yergin told a packed room, but in the years after World War II, smog “laid siege” to Los Angeles. Yergin was raised in L.A. and recalled having …

Let’s Fire Up This Debate (Without Coal)

Is Energy Security—Whatever That Is-Even Possible?


For all the progress in energy technologies, the world still relies heavily on old-school energy sources like coal and oil. Can the nonstop skirmishing over energy supplies ever cease? In …