You Might Wanna Die Elsewhere

Shannon Brownlee Discusses End-of-Life Overtreatment—and Names L.A. As a Culprit

Shannon Brownlee, acting director of the New America Foundation Health Policy Program, began an event sponsored by the California HealthCare Foundation by taking a survey of the crowd at MOCA Grand Avenue. She asked audience members to raise their hands in order to let her know how they wanted to die. The crowd was nearly motionless as she went through her list: heart attack, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, frailty. But when she asked who wanted to die in bed at age 90, after playing tennis, eating dinner, and making love, almost …

Does Fresno Mean Feeding Tube?

How To Figure Out If You Live In a Place With Good End-of-Life Care


In some parts of California, you’re likely to have all sorts of medical treatments at the end of your life and die in a hospital. In other parts of California, …

The Danger of Too Much Health Care

How Overtesting and Overmedicating Harm Patients and Society

Early in her talk about the importance of giving patients the information they need to make medical decisions, Shannon Brownlee emphasized the relevance of the topic in dramatic fashion.

“How many …

This Neighborhood is Killing Me

Where You Live is How Long You Live

Shannon Brownlee will visit Zócalo July 6th to discuss the question “How Can We Take Charge of Our Health?“

I often say to people, “Give me your address and I’ll tell …

Health Care Can Make You Sick

Angelenos Get Plenty of Medical Attention - That's the Problem

Shannon Brownlee will visit Zócalo July 6th to discuss the question “How Can We Take Charge of Our Health?“

Los Angeles doctors are plentiful, and Angelenos have some of the highest …

Unequal Pay Means Unequal Health

Addressing the Many Facets of Health Disparities

Documentary filmmaker Larry Adelman opened his remarks on a panel about health inequalities by emphasizing why the subject matters for him personally.

The issue is “not just that the rich on …