Three Men


A man at thirteen, he led
his lamb to temple for

slaughter, knew Hebrew
songs, the taste & sting

of desert sand. He spoke
Aramaic, wrote in Greek

through a glass darkly,
turn the other cheek,

without which what’s
a beggar between thieves,

nailed to another crucifix?
He saw Steven dragged

from the Sanhedrin,
but cast no stone.


Saint of thoroughfares
& teamsters, available

wherever goods & souls
need to be hauled–

lugged overland, galley
slave-rowed–once a thug

called Reprobus, he mowed
the Devil down with his

backhand, his brandished
cross. The Christ child

put on serious pounds,
mid-river in his arms.

John …


He studied the plan & proportions
of every worthy ruin in Rome,

forgot to eat, daydreaming
weights & wheels, time

& motion. He made ends meet
by setting precious stones

while pondering the …