Captain Jasper’s Cruise Rules

Passengers: pass on
friendships with passengers.
Prepare to run aground,
no diesel, no beer, no fun.

Cell phone reception
at best famished cat meows.
Morning alliances make
no difference this afternoon.

Stranded, six dwindled
survivors can’t divide well
water, volume for three, one cup.
Sunk by U-boat,

vessel owner is absolved
of blame. Vessel owner will do
everybody the favor of drowning
first. Refrain raising

the spirit of one remaining
resilient fat man bobbing
for oxygen. In case
of panic attack, Channel Marker 723’s

a few fathoms back. Portugal’s
navy is looking for me.
Channel …

Lifeguard Letter Home

Dear Mama,

I moved in with that brunette oceanographer I was telling you about who can’t swim. I always

ask what she does each day. I love to listen. She continues to …