Minding the Home Front

John Prendergast, Darfur’s Champion, Michael’s Mentor

John Prendergast opened his talk Tuesday at the Hammer Museum by challenging the evening’s provocative title, “Can Mentors Save Lives?” The human rights activist humorously conceded: “The title of this event was a bit daunting. Can mentors save lives? Can’t we just sort of raise the kid’s math grade from a C to a B?”

Prendergast, renowned for his advocacy on behalf of Darfur as the founder of the Enough Project, which seeks to end genocide and crimes against humanity, has inspired people to try to put a stop to mass …

Who Was Your Greatest Mentor?

A Reflection on People Who Changed Lives

You never quite forget your mentor, whether it’s the one who discovered your talent long before you did, pushed you to go beyond expectations or introduced you to new experiences …