The Office Party Has Left the Strip Club

This Was a Year to Celebrate Women’s Victories in the Workplace. New GM CEO Mary Barra Is Just One Example of How Far We’ve Come.

“At least we don’t have office parties in strip clubs anymore,” mused a college friend of mine over a recent end-of-year lunch. She entered a bank training program in the 1980s; we were chatting about the progress women have made in the financial sector. Back then, she said, female bankers or traders could expect—regularly—to fend off sexual harassment and inappropriate comments from male colleagues. Now, she reflected, much of the animal-house culture has dissipated.

A couple of days later, my friend emailed me: “Well, now we have a female CEO …

Women Rule the Skies

Airline Cockpits Remain Male Preserves, But Aviation’s Top Bosses Are Often Female

History is full of bold and charismatic aviatrixes: Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic; Bessie Coleman, the first African-American to earn a pilot’s license; …

The Elephant in the Race

Romney Should Address What His Faith Means For the Rest of Us

Earlier this year, when Mitt Romney ventured that he relies on his wife, Ann, to tell him what American women are thinking, many of those women no doubt rolled their …

Married to Mrs. Moneybags

What Will Happen to Coupledom When Most Women Out-Earn Their Male Partners?

“Do women become bad wives and unpleasant partners when they have not only a room of their own but an income of their own?” asked journalist Liza Mundy, who was …

When Mama Makes the Money

What Happens to the Men?


More than half of American households still have men who are the primary breadwinners. But women are fast catching up and, if trends hold, will surpass men in earning power …