TO CARLA ONE MORNING DRINKING COFFEE | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

“Marx must have also drunk / coffee and beer in the mornings …” Courtesy of McKay Savage/flickr.

This poem was translated from its original Spanish (included below) by Madeline Vardell.


this morning I’m drinking coffee alone
years ago we drank
coffee and beer in the mornings
And you weren’t yet Carla
and no one called me Carol
And all day every day Marx Lenin el Che
Marx must have also drunk
coffee and beer in the mornings
You don’t talk to me anymore of the armed struggle
I don’t tell you anymore of that distant love
nor any old poem
We won’t drink coffee despite gastritis
we won’t drink beer despite alcoholism
You no longer repeat the complete mediocrity of the speeches
I no longer repeat Vallejo:
I have turned back with all my roads
to see myself alone

Now it’s time for the poems written with fire
for the speeches spit by blood
the time that brings us life
the life that brings us death
in those day of ours
we never suspected armed struggle
weren’t just two words


este mañana tomo una café sola
hace años bebíamos
café y cerveza por las mañanas
Y tú no eras Carla
y a mí no me decían Carol
Y todos los días Marx Lenin el Che
Marx también debió haber bebido
café y cerveza por las mañanas
Tú ya no me hablas de la lucha armada
yo ya no te hablaré de ese amor lejano
ni de aquel viejo poema
Ni beberemos café contra la gastritis
ni beberemos cerveza contra el alcoholismo
Tú ya no repites la absoluta mediocridad de los discursos
yo ya no repito a Vallejo:
<<Me he vuelto con todo mi camino
a verme solo>>
Ahora es el tiempo de los poemas escritos con fuego
de los discursos que la sangre escupe
del tiempo que nos lleva la vida
de la vida que nos lleva la muerte
en esos días nuestros
no sospechábamos que la <<lucha armada>>
no era sólo dos palabras

Mary Soto is the director of the magazine Textos de teatro peruano and the founder of the small press Canta Editores. She is the author of two poetry collections, Limpios de Tiempo and Ayataki de mi quebranto, and her third, Los Cumpas, is in-progress.

Madeline Vardell is a poet, translator, and former reviews editor at The Arkansas International. Her translations appear in MAKE Magazine and are forthcoming in Spoon River Poetry Review.
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