Yellow Wallpaper Resident Alien

Yellow Wallpaper Resident Alien | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Yellow wallpaper. Courtesy of Jasleen Kuar/flickr CC BY-SA 2.0.

Tie my shoes, my self-portrait running for fun

in the deep woods, poisoned with the soot

of another forest fire in the distance, another Oregon

I didn’t know how to spell the states in this country

but I reached out to join your name with mine:

they learned to divide us with hyphenated schemes

Just as you are, I know how your face looked in the golden

days when our palms were covered with glue from sticking

posters of the future inside a school building with broken gate

How do you believe there is a hunger in the blissfully unaware?

The dark times don’t darken our hearts, we become just

more distant in the most oblong parallels ever visible

Sujash Purna is a graduate student at Missouri State University and serves as an assistant poetry editor to the Moon City Review. His chapbook collection, Epidemic of Nostalgia, is coming out from Finishing Line Press in July 2021.
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