Tet Singing Cure (Almost a Ghost)



for children and their caretakers during wartime

Co Tu sang   not sleeping
  the lamp lit
one year old toddler me near-death
war attack aftermath with stomach sickness
   having eaten corn   the available food
         in the form of western aid
  meager rations and poor water
the girl alone took ill

   a tall front door and white orchids
parquet flooring   toddler floppy
  sick or dying

More In: Chronicles

In Morning


The Palestinian child
does not think about being Palestinian,
but only of how his kitten
slept last night
and why is it not
in its basket.
Before he walks to …

Flood Potential | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Flood Potential


That’s far enough, I yell across the dry
riverbed where twigs shoot up between rocks
with leaves like mistaken tenses: was, were,
watch. That’s far enough—wrenching
the children from their …

to us in early winter

when it is time
the sun sets pink on the birch
and it will be winter
we are no stranger than we were
gingered joy will have melted after
icicles …

Where I Go: Redondo Beach Brings Me Back to Myself

I’m the Keeper of My Family’s Memories. My Hometown Is Where I Uncover the Layers of Our Past

Late one afternoon last year, during a troubled time in my life, I took a long walk on the beach.

A day of rain was ending. Watery sunlight shone on glossy …

The High-Flying Birds

Music does not matter


Not much poetry to read


The fresh air by the lake

Only helpful to the lungs


Throughout the year, I rarely dream

But meditate a few times


My life depends on others


Some …