What Is A Good Job Now?

Artwork by Ernesto Yerena.

Presented in partnership with The James Irvine Foundation

“What Is a Good Job Now?” is a series supported by The James Irvine Foundation, focusing on workers in the low-wage sectors of California’s economy, in communities across the state. Public programs and essays, grounded in workers’ experiences and realities, will explore how to make the hardest jobs more rewarding, and make life better for those who do them.

Upcoming Events in this Series

“What Is a Good Job Now?” In Agriculture | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian
Salinas In-Person | Streaming Online

“What Is a Good Job Now?” In Agriculture

New technology, declining immigration, and legislation raising the minimum wage and mandating overtime pay have profoundly changed the nature of agricultural work in California. But the work remains difficult, dangerous, and hard on the health of workers—primarily immigrants—who toil in hotter weather than they did in the past, and who lack equitable healthcare coverage and access. Undocumented farmworkers are older …