What Does ‘Natural-Born’ American Even Mean?

The Seemingly Rigid Requirement for the Presidency Didn't Disqualify the Nation's British-Born Founders

When choosing among presidential candidates, Americans find plenty to debate about their fitness for office, experience, and economic and foreign policies. But the framers of the Constitution made no mention of such qualifications; they were primarily concerned that the president be truly American. And one of the ways that a president counted as truly American was to be, in the Constitution’s phrase, a “natural-born citizen.”

In the modern era, this phrase has been particularly contentious. There was the clamor over whether Canadian-born presidential candidate Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz met that requirement; …

You Don’t Have to Be Born on U.S. Soil to Be a Real American

Our Moms Gave Birth Abroad, But Ted Cruz and I Are Both Natural-Born Citizens. Not That It Should Matter If Either of Us Wants to Run for President.

Go, Ted Cruz!

I am very excited that the senator from Texas is running for president, so that we can once and for all rid this country of one of its …

Being American Means Never Having to Fret Over Your Legal Documents

Paperwork Was a Matter of Life and Death When I Was a Refugee. Now, It’s Just an Annoyance.

Last year, when my driver’s license was set to expire, I went online to apply for a renewal but was thwarted by error messages. Exasperated at the time I had …

The United States of Ribs

I Didn’t Just Want to Live in America, I Wanted to Eat It

It was all about the food. To be honest, it always has been, and probably always will be.

It was all about the food when I was growing up in a …

I Just Served On a Jury, and It Wasn’t Terrible

Sure, the Pay Was Crummy, But Almost Everything Else Was a Pleasant Surprise

“Right over here,” says the garage attendant directing me with a welcoming smile and a red glow stick to a parking stall just around the corner from the premium spot …

The Agony of Being Canadian

It’s Not Easy Being Misunderstood By You Americans Down South

My hometown of Vancouver is just 25 miles from the Peace Arch, the crisp white monument on the border that marks the strength and endurance of Canadian-American relations. One of …