A Letter From Peru: Where Affirmative Action Is Attempting to Get Women on the Ballot

But Will It Be Enough to Save a Nation in Democratic Crisis?

What are the obstacles and opportunities facing democracy today? Zócalo is publishing a series of letters to highlight how the world’s democratic ideals are faring in practice. From Peru: Nadia Ramos, CEO of the Women’s Leadership Center of the Americas, writes about efforts to achieve parity for women in politics, and why they can help a nation in democratic crisis.

Can affirmative action save Peru?

Peru is facing the worst institutional, political, and social crisis of its recent democratic history. In December, then-President Pedro Castillo dissolved Congress, a decision that led to his …

Why Did Governments Compensate Slaveholders for Abolition?

Across the Americas, Emancipation Moved Slowly, and Profited Those Who Had Benefited from Slavery Most

The records are difficult to make out at first—blurred rows listing the names of slaveholders, enslaved individuals, and prices under the dim light of the microfilm reader. But once brought …