The Cult Of Priestly Celibacy

For Over 1,500 Years, the Catholic Church Has Found Virtue In Extremes of Self-Denial. It’s Time To Become More Human.

If one argues that priestly celibacy is unnatural, Vatican officials should not complain, since they claim, or even boast, that it is a supernatural sign for others. The priest points to something beyond nature. Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) even said that priests live on earth the life of angels, as that was described by Jesus: “In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”[i] Thus priests’ lives are a kind of foretaste of heaven, transcending earthlier drives. That …

How I Had Sex in 1950

Navigating Birth Control Before the Pill

I was a virgin on my wedding night. This is neither a confession nor a brag, simply a statement of fact. It was expected. The year was 1950. Horror stories …