What’s the Cost of a Family Secret?

A California Writer on the Aunt He Never Knew He Had—and the Lessons She Taught Him

Is there a family trait more common than keeping secrets?

These secrets can have hidden costs. When we leave a place or person behind, we don’t know what becomes of them. We miss out. We cut them out of our familial history.

These secrets can even make us miss the entire life of a loved one—a burrowed family secret, not passed down, and brought to light only in late harvest.

That’s one lesson of the most thought-provoking California story I’ve come across in years. It’s told with heart and heightened imagination by David …

Obsessing About Terrorism Is Bad for Your Mental Health

Constant Media-Induced Anxiety Can Inflict Psychological Harm

My patient, Anna, is an African-American woman in her 60s living alone in Los Angeles. She has a progressive arthritis and she walks slowly with the aid of a …

Raising a Deaf Child Makes the World Sound Different

When I Found Out My Son Couldn’t Hear, I Figured Out That I Wasn’t Really Listening, Either

Just before my youngest son Alex turned 2, we discovered that he had significant hearing loss that was likely to get worse. A few weeks later, I found myself in …

My Kid Has Autism. Now What?

We’ve Come A Long Way in Educating Kids With Autism, But That Doesn’t Mean It’s Easy

Autism education has come a long way in the past few decades, but diagnosing children with autism, figuring out how best to teach them, and raising awareness among students, parents, …

Why My Mormon Mom Joined the Cannabis Lobby

Living With a Sibling With Epilepsy Has Meant Embracing a New Normal for Our Whole Family. The Fight to Legalize a New Drug in Utah Was No Exception.

My 19-year-old sister is adorable. She’s fiercely independent, a little moody, and obsessed with movies. She’s also the reason my mother joined forces with other Utah moms to form a …