Why Did Obama Win?

The Obama Victory: How Media, Money, and Message Shaped the 2008 Election
by Kate Kenski, Bruce W. Hardy, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson

Reviewed by Adam Fleisher

The ruthless efficiency with which the Obama campaign dispatched the McCain-Palin ticket should put to rest the notion that our president is too disinterested in politics for his own good.

Granted, McCain stumbled by declaring in the midst of the economic collapse that “the fundamentals of our economy are sound” and further hobbled his campaign by choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. And Democrats went into …

More In: Media

Are the Experts Wrong?

Wrong: Why experts keep failing us–and how to know when not to trust them
by David H. Freedman

Reviewed by Adam Fleisher

The promise that something as ordinary as coffee or red …

How Democratic is Iran?

Stephen Kinzer has reported from over 50 countries on five continents, including those with some of the most vexing relationships with the U.S. In his latest book, Reset: Iran, Turkey, …

Telling Dangerous Stories

Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban
by Jere Van Dyk

Reviewed by Angilee Shah

Last year was a banner one for high-profile American journalists arrested abroad. Journalists …

Why Rumors Matter

Gary Fine thinks rumors deserve a better reputation. “The people who spread them shouldn’t be insulted or denigrated,” he said. “We all spread rumors of various kinds, and the rumors …

Nicole LaPorte on DreamWorks

A veteran Variety reporter, Nicole LaPorte wrote The Men Who Would Be King at the risk of never lunching — or breakfasting or dining — in this town again. Her …