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How Do We Begin Again?

How Do We Begin Again? | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

From left to right: Bamby Salcedo, Gustavo Arellano, Fabian Debora, and Annette L. Stanton.

Moderated by Gustavo Arellano, Author and Los Angeles Times Columnist

It feels like it’s time for something new. Facebook and Kanye just changed their names. More than half of Americans want to change jobs, and one-third want to switch careers. Businesses are reinventing the way they operate. And social movements are trying to create new systems that are anti-racist and sustainable. Isn’t all this easier said than done? Even after confronting the challenges of the past year and a half, we are finding that our old ways are more deeply entrenched than we expected. 

What do we need—individually and collectively—to start new chapters and rebuild? Which rituals and practices have societies around the world used to successfully start over? And what sort of new beginning does this current moment require of all of us? Artist and co-founder/executive director of Homeboy Art Academy Fabian Debora, TransLatin@ Coalition president and CEO Bamby Salcedo, and UCLA distinguished professor and department chair of psychology Annette L. Stanton visit Zócalo to explore the best ways to make a fresh start.

Based on the City of Los Angeles requirements for similar events, proof of vaccination (at least two weeks after the final dose) will be required. Additionally, face coverings are required for all audience members.

Bring your appetite! We have partnered with On the Go LA to bring the Tacos Rojos food truck right outside the venue—we encourage you to support a local food vendor.

ASU California Center at the Herald Examiner
1111 S Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90015

The Takeaway

To Begin Again, We First Have to Look Back | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

To Begin Again, We First Have to Look Back

Recognition, Acknowledgement (and the Occasional Floral Bath) Are Key to Renewal

At the beginning of last night’s Zócalo event, “How Do We Begin Again?,” moderator Gustavo Arellano asked everyone watching live at the ASU California Center at the Herald Examiner and …