White-tailed Eagles


Iolair Mhara

Two eagles lock talons in mid-flight
and tumble together towards the water

    as if they’ll never stop falling,

but they disentangle just in time
and ascend to the top

    of a scraggy Scots pine.

Still as Ross Island
they roost side by side,

    till one of them lifts,

glides over Lough Leane
then makes a thunder-bolt dive

    before levelling to snatch a salmon.

Will they settle,
build an unruly nest,

    fledge chicks that will spread

from here to Loch Iolar, Binn an Iolair,
Iolard Mór and Iolard Beag?

Our Favorite Essays of 2023 | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Our Favorite Essays of 2023

In the Boxing Ring. At a Parking Lot. Through Prison Glass. These Stories Captured the Sights, Sounds, and Heart of the Year

South Africans got it right when they made “kuning,” the isiZulu word that roughly translates to “it’s a lot,” one of the defining words of 2023.

It was a lot this …

Stocking up for the Season

Kadi Franson is an interdisciplinary artist and licensed architect who focuses on ecological resilience in the Anthropocene. Based in Southern Utah, she is also an amateur naturalist and nature columnist …

A male bullfinch with an orange chest and black head and wing tips in a cage.

Intellectual Snobbery Is for the Birds

How Birdkeepers and Bullfinch Sperm Taught an Ornithologist Something New About Evolution

Birdkeepers are almost universally scorned by anyone else interested in birds. Biologists and birdwatchers alike are generally opposed to the idea of birds being kept in captivity. But during a …

Hey California, the Peafowl Isn’t Your Scape-Bird | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Hey California, the Peafowl Isn’t Your Scape-Bird

These ‘Foreign Invaders’ Have as Much a Claim on the State as Anyone

Why don’t you just fly my pride and me to Martha’s Vineyard?

Because we peafowl are tired of being California’s leading scapegoat—I mean, scape-bird.

You Californians like to pretend you’re more humane …

12-15-21 | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Out of the Sky

Tianjiao Guo is an illustrator based in Los Angeles. Born and raised in Shanghai, she moved to California at the age of 17. A graduate of the School of Visual …