Please Don’t Laugh at My Jokes

If You Want to Be a Stand-Up Comic, You've Got to Learn How to Bomb

My heart was beating a mile a minute. Perspiration started to form in my armpits. Soon I would smell like the cab driver who’d brought me here. I was one minute into my stand-up act. And all I could hear were the horrible thoughts racing through my mind.

Oh God, they’re not laughing. No one is laughing. Do the next joke. Setup, punch line … nothing. A bead of sweat slowly ran down the side of my face. The next one, do the next one. This always crushes.

Except this time, …

Woman, You Make Me Laugh

When It Comes to Humor, What’s the Difference Between Males and Females?

If we’ve widely accepted that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, we shouldn’t be surprised when what’s funny on one planet is considered crass or corny on …