We Shouldn’t Rely on Politicians to Memorialize Our Fallen Soldiers

Gold Star Families Need to Reach out—and Communities Need to Reach Back

Five U.S. infantry soldiers died on June 21, 2007, when their 30-ton Bradley tracked vehicle hit a deep-buried bomb in Adhamiyah, Iraq.

I was embedded as a reporter with their unit when they died, and I watched as the men who served with them rallied.

They reached out to the mothers and fathers and wives, offering and seeking comfort, but also saying what they believed needed to be heard:

It was quick.
We were with them at the end.
We will never forget.

The families often reach back too, spreading wide wings over …

Why Veterans Hurt (It’s Not What You Think)

What’s Tough On Those Who Leave the Military Isn’t Remembering What Was Bad. It’s Missing What Was Good.

When I joined the Army as a 17-year-old, I expected to face many challenges and hardships as an individual—whether that meant getting yelled at or shot at or made to …

Race Is Easy. Ideology Is Hard.

Jonathan Haidt, Winner of the Third Annual Zócalo Book Prize, Explains Why Good People Demonize One Another

The Third Annual Zócalo Public Square Book Prize was made possible by the generous support of Southern California Gas Company.

“It’s a hell of a challenge to create a cohesive community …

Why Is It So Hard For Us To Get Along?

The Righteous Mind

Americans have always be divided by race and background, but today we’re just as likely to be divided by our politics. Evolution, according to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, has wired …

Happy 10th Birthday, Zócalo, Unlikely Child of Passion

I Used to Be a Happy Loner. Now I Host L.A.'s Public Square.

It’s amazing what you can do when somebody ticks you off. A decade ago, I was a solitary writer whose idea of community was pretty much limited to tequila-infused evenings …

We Have a Righteous Book Prize Winner

Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, Author of The Righteous Mind, Has Won the Third Annual Zócalo Book Prize

For 10 years now, Zócalo Public Square has convened people in public spaces to talk about important issues and ideas. We do so in the belief that examining visceral, even …