Zócalo Grapples With Unstoppable Forces

You Try Getting In the Way of the Koch Brothers, the Greuel-Garcetti Marathon, or California Math Requirements

How I Almost Didn’t Fail Algebra. Javier Cabral aka “The Glutser” failed algebra seven times. After a full semester of proctored tests, he found out he had an official mathematical deficiency—but he was still required to pass algebra. After failing for an eighth time, Cabral was forced to drop out of school. Are math requirements good public policy?


Greuel v. Garcetti. On Wednesday, with just two weeks before the runoff election for mayor of Los Angeles, candidates Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel participated in a live debate moderated by Warren Olney, host of KCRW’s “To the Point” and “Which Way, L.A.?” at the Petersen Automotive Museum. And before the debate, Zócalo asked a few Angelenos to tell us what their “dream” mayor would say to the city.


I Hope the Kochs Buy the Times. Joe Mathews was a reporter at the Los Angeles Times for eight years. His mother was there for 25 years. Mathews loves the Times (his hometown paper), but he’s rooting for Charles and David Koch to buy the paper—and it’s not because he’s a fan of the billionaire brothers.


Architect Peter Tolkin in the green room. Before participating in a panel on how people reinvent spaces, Peter Tolkin told us what L.A. building he would like to tear down, what cheese best embodies him, and how he learned to ride a bike.


Back in Colombia—and on the Gringo Trail. For science journalist Aleszu Bajak, coming of age in Bogotá felt special. But he fears the current influx of tourists will ruin the Colombia he remembers. He writes, “It was once my adventure, a place so remote and foreign that it felt like my own. Now the world has been invited.”


Next week …


On Tuesday, Brown University political economist Mark Blyth visits Zócalo to ask whether economic austerity is good for us.


Zócalo editor T.A. Frank asks if there’s any purpose to most of the horrible news we read.


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