Living in a Modern Way

When California Designed the Future

GIs in World War II were urged to consider what their post-war home should be like.


Home is where most Angelenos wanted to live when World War II ended, in a house where “the new” might be acquired as Better Things for Better Living, just as the slogan from DuPont put it. The question then was, which new things? In what kind of house? And would any of these new things actually make living better?

Surprisingly, the U.S. government had urged GIs to ask those questions even as the war wound down …

If These Walls Could Talk

Photographs and Drawings from Allied Works Architecture/Brad Cloepfil: Occupation


For over a decade, architect Brad Cloepfil and his firm, Allied Works Architecture, have been designing some of the United States’s most influential public, institutional, commercial, and residential buildings. A …