You Can Become Mexican Again

Going Back to the Place I Was Born After 30 Years Wasn’t Straightforward. But I’m Still Here.

The Metropolitan Cathedral, the majestic 16th-century church in the heart of Mexico City, tilted slightly to the left, pulled into the soft earth by the weight of its own stones. Twenty-five bells ringing inside two giant towers echoed off the palaces enclosing Zócalo square, which in the twilight felt too unoccupied for a New Year’s Eve. The bells sang their melancholy song, swinging between hope and dread. Dread and hope.

The year was 1994. The peso was tumbling, and the country seemed to be falling apart. Yet here I was. Ecstatic. …

A Londoner’s Anti-Home

Why I Left My Hometown Just Before Its Olympic Moment and Came Back to Los Angeles

Russell Crowe once said he would move to Los Angeles on three conditions: if New Zealand and Australia were swallowed up by a tidal wave, if there were a bubonic …

Bako, My Beloved

Outsiders May Scorn My Hometown. But It Is Mine.

The headlights of my father’s car illuminate the road to Meadows Field Airport like something out of a Hitchcock movie. The fog swirls and eddies about us as we move …

Zócalo Talks Turkey

Holiday Musings from Our Staff

Long before psychologists started linking gratitude to improved mood and health, we’ve known that being thankful was good for us. Perhaps science will even find that feasting to the point …

My Crazy Kenyan Thanksgiving

The Year We Ate Chicken at the Home of a Saudi Billionaire

It’s a funny thing, celebrating Thanksgiving outside of the United States. Just try explaining the whole deal about the Pilgrims and the Indians to the uninitiated. They might end up …

All the Old, Unfamiliar Places

America Is Home-But Why Doesn’t It Feel That Way?

America is a foreign place. This shouldn’t be so. I’m American. I was born here. I’ve lived most of my life here. But five years ago I left and moved …