Excavating Mexican History in Modern-Day Vienna

A Transcontinental Journey in the Footsteps of the Last Emperor of Mexico

How do you imagine being in a place that you’ve never visited, that belongs to the past?

Over the five years I spent writing Maximilian and Carlota: Europe’s Last Empire in Mexico, I found I needed to bring to life places that I’d never seen. Although many of the locations were embedded in my memory from prior travel, that wasn’t enough. I had to find a way to put myself in those places circa the 19th century.

This would require a different approach. On a normal day, I write in my office …

This Is What Outrage Looks Like in Mexico City

Images of the Protestors Who Took to the Streets to Ask Their Government for Accountability—and an End to Violence

Mexicans have taken to social media, and to the streets, to express their outrage at the disappearance in late September of 43 students from a rural teachers’ college in the …

The Daily Dose

Inspiration in L.A.’s Arts District

In L.A., I am known as a Valley guy. I represented the San Fernando Valley when I served in the State Legislature and when I was speaker of the Assembly. …

Parque México

Sundays in the Park With Cotton Candy

Stepping into Parque México, with its greenery and quaint 1920s signs, is like stepping into something out of Alice in Wonderland, an art deco oasis in the middle of the …