A Collection of Snapshots Doubles as an Anthropology of the Ordinary

Everyone Can Capture Mesmerizing and Humorous Images that Withstand Time

It started one weekend at a flea market, where Peter J. Cohen happened to wander over to a woman selling a tub of old snapshots and picked out five. “I don’t know why I bought these,” he thought, “but I’m going back next weekend.”

Twenty-five years later, Cohen has collected over 50,000 snapshots—personal amateur photographs—that were lost, discarded, or disowned by their original owners.

Cohen acquired them from flea markets, eBay, dealers, and boxes sent to him on consignment. While he has little formal art historical training—he works now as an …

Finding the Beauty in a Service Member’s Return

I Use My Camera to Support the Troops

I’m standing in the reception area of the Fresno airport, and excitement is building. Around me are people of all ages, from two years up to retirement—military families waiting for …

Windows Into Paris

When Voyeurs Make for Good Neighbors

If you’ve ever lived in a densely populated city, you’ve probably played this game: You gaze out your window at the apartment opposite and invent stories about the people inside. …

Understanding the Meaning of Shopping Carts

I Photograph Them Because They Illustrate My Feelings of Loneliness and Displacement

In 2006, I started taking pictures of shopping carts. At the time, I would shoot them as if they were wild animals on safari. Not paying attention to shape, form, …

The Steel, Glass, and Shadows of L.A.’s Cedar-Sinai

Doctor Roger Lerner Has Taken Thousands of Photographs of the Hospital He Has Known Since the Late 1970s

Dr. Roger Lerner has taken thousands of photographs of buildings. Through the lens of his camera, structures made of steel, glass, and concrete are transformed into studies of line, shape, …

Capturing Smiles Can Change Your Life

Teaching Kids How to Focus on Beauty Encourages Them to Improve Their Worlds

I grew up viewing life as hopeless. At my high school in South Sacramento, you were a jock, a loner, a gang member, or an all-star. I didn’t seem to …